Courtesy of CNN:
President Donald Trump's re-election campaign used a photo of a survivor of the Parkland, Florida, shooting in an email Saturday that asks its recipients to donate money to the campaign.
The email contains a photo of 17-year-old Madeleine Wilford in a hospital bed surrounded by her family, Trump and the first lady. The President visited Wilford on February 16, two days after the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 dead.
"The nation has turned its attention to the senseless school shooting in Parkland, Florida," the email reads.
"Trump is taking steps toward banning gun bump stocks and strengthening background checks for gun purchasers," it says. "The President has made his intent very clear: 'making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority.'"
Near the end of the message, there's a link to the campaign's donations page.
If you ever needed evidence that Trump is a classless POS, well now you have it.
I have heard that this young ladies parents are Trump supporters, so MAYBE he had their permission to use this photo, but even if that is true using a victim of a school shooting to raise money for the NRA's favorite president is simply disgusting.
President Donald Trump's re-election campaign used a photo of a survivor of the Parkland, Florida, shooting in an email Saturday that asks its recipients to donate money to the campaign.
The email contains a photo of 17-year-old Madeleine Wilford in a hospital bed surrounded by her family, Trump and the first lady. The President visited Wilford on February 16, two days after the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, which left 17 dead.
"The nation has turned its attention to the senseless school shooting in Parkland, Florida," the email reads.
"Trump is taking steps toward banning gun bump stocks and strengthening background checks for gun purchasers," it says. "The President has made his intent very clear: 'making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority.'"
Near the end of the message, there's a link to the campaign's donations page.
If you ever needed evidence that Trump is a classless POS, well now you have it.
I have heard that this young ladies parents are Trump supporters, so MAYBE he had their permission to use this photo, but even if that is true using a victim of a school shooting to raise money for the NRA's favorite president is simply disgusting.