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Monday, 15 January 2018

Right Wing hack attempts to portray Bristol Palin as Chelsea Clinton's intellectual superior. No, seriously.

Let me remind you that this is a Twitter account owned by a man who tries to portray himself as a highly intelligent person.

However that is "highly intelligent" by conservative standards, so we are talking about an IQ in the mid to low 80's I would assume.

D'Souza is of course most famous for writing fact free books attacking the Clintons and President Obama, and for being an ex-con who served time after being convicted for violating federal election campaign laws in New York.

As for his suggestion that the skin school graduate is smarter than a woman who earned her undergraduate degree from Stanford University, and her master's degree from Oxford University, well that's actually too ridiculous to even address.

D'Souza does not care for facts, but if he did he might learn that any public remarks attributed to Bristol Palin, that are not sent in an angry text to one of her exes, is most definitely written FOR her by one of Sarah Palin's paid ghostwriters, who were hired to try and make Bristol appear intelligent.

Unfortunately that failed miserably after Bristol Palin decided to go all Wasilla-billy on some poor bastard during his birthday party in Anchorage back in 2014.

I am trying to remember that time Chelsea Clinton drunkenly attacked a man at his own birthday party,

Anybody remember that?

As for that attack on Chelsea's appearance, well this is picture of Dinesh D'Souza.

Nuff said.


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