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Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Republican Congressman says the litmus test for the GOP is no longer ideological, it is about loyalty to Trump.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

One of President Donald Trump’s biggest critics from within the Republican Party, Rep. Charlie Dent (R–Pennsylvania), said the new “litmus test” for the GOP is who supports Trump, rather than the party’s “ideological purity and conformity.” 

Speaking on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, the retiring Congressman said, “Now the litmus test is changed. The issue is loyalty to the man, to the president, and for some, loyalty's not enough, you have to be angry and aggrieved.

"Dent said that Trump was “a factor” in his decision to retire from Congress after the end of his term next year and assessed the state of the country as “paralyzed” by polarity. 

“The polarization has reached the point of paralysis. There doesn't seem to be the bipartisan collaboration up front that we need on a lot of big issues,” he said.

If you think about it this is a fairly troubling assertion.

As much as we may have disagreed with the Republicans point of view on social issues, and what constitutes morality, at least they seemed to have a firm position.

But really all of that disappeared when Trump came on the scene, and now holier than thou evangelicals and big business supporting capitalists are eagerly supporting a thrice married, constantly bankrupt, possible Russian asset, as he destroys the credibility of the country they claim to love.

Have you ever had that moment when you thought you could not possibly lose any more respect for a group of people, and then suddenly discover that you can?


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