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Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Now George Zimmerman is threatening to feed Jay Z to an alligator. No wonder conservatives love him so much.

Courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel: 

It all started with a documentary that Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter and the Weinstein Company are putting together about the 2012 Sanford shooting, as reported by Variety. Zimmerman said a private investigator with the film crew went to the homes of his parents and uncle. 

The uncle, a retired Army command sergeant major, said the private investigator also trespassed, according to Zimmerman. 

Zimmerman said Monday that he will harm Jay-Z if his family is sought out again.

“What I said is I would beat him as if I was Solange, and he would find himself coming out of the south side of a gator if he comes to Florida and bothers my family,” Zimmerman told the Orlando Sentinel. 

Zimmerman was referring to the sister of Beyonce Knowles, Jay-Z’s wife, who famously hit Jay-Z in an elevator. The elevator security footage went viral. 

Rapper Snoop Dogg seems to have jumped into the feud, writing on Instagram: 

“If one hair on Jays hair is touched that’s when the revolution will b televised. ... Trayvon Martin Gone but not forgotten.”

Zimmerman does realize that Jay Z is a very wealthy man who is constantly surrounded by armed bodyguards, right?

This is not some unarmed seveneen year old kid that he is threatening here.

Speaking of Trayvon Martin, get a load of another quote from Zimmerman about this issue:

In a chilling reference to the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman grimly tells us “I know how to handle people who fuck with me, I have since February 2012.”

You know that almost makes me want Zimmerman to start some shit with Jay Z and Snoop Dogg. 

Then it might be there turn to "stand their ground."


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