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Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Kellyanne Conway provides Donald Trump with alibi after he inadvertently tweets that he knew Mike Flynn lied to the FBI.

Kellyanne Conjob.
Courtesy of Newsweek:  

Senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has confirmed the president’s alibi for a potentially incriminating tweet posted on his Twitter account Saturday. 

The tweet indicates President Donald Trump knew that his national security adviser Michael Flynn lied to the FBI when Trump reportedly pressured the then–FBI Director James Comey to abandon an investigation into Flynn. 

On Monday, Conway told CNN that she was with the president “all day” Saturday and that his lawyer John Dowd crafted the tweet and sent it to White House director of social media Daniel Scavino Jr. to publish.

This is the tweet in question.
First off we KNOW that nobody tells Trump what to tweet, and secondly legal experts are simply not buying the excuse that his lawyer ate his homework.

Legal experts were incredulous when Dowd—an experienced defense lawyer who used to work for the Justice Department—claimed Sunday that he wrote the tweet. They were surprised by the incorrect use of legal language—using the phrase "pled" instead of "pleaded," and seeming admission the president had advanced knowledge Flynn lied to the FBI. 

So not only has Trump somehow convinced his lawyer to lie in order to cover up for his stupidity, but now he has Kellyanne Conway lying to cover for that lie.

But how can anybody seriously think this will help?

Do they not realize that Mueller will now question both Dowd and Conway under oath and then charge them for perjury if they try to stick to this story?

The lesson of Watergate was, "It's not the crime, it's the coverup." But of Richard Nixon had been even remotely this sloppy he would not have simply had to resign, he would have been sent to the chair.


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