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Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Facebook is now banning women for criticizing men. Wait, what?

Courtesy of the Daily Beast: 

When comic Marcia Belsky sarcastically replied “men are scum” to a friend’s Facebook post back in October, she never anticipated being banned from the platform for 30 days. 

That was exactly what happened. 

Belsky was shocked at the severity of the punishment considering her relatively innocuous comment, and immediately spoke to her fellow female friends about the ordeal. They could relate. 

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, countless women have taken to Facebook to express their frustration and disappointment with men and have been promptly shut down or silenced, banned from the platform for periods ranging from one to seven days. 

Women have posted things as bland as “men ain’t shit,” “all men are ugly,” and even “all men are allegedly ugly” and had their posts removed. They’ve been locked out of their accounts for suggesting that, since “all men are ugly,” country music star Blake Shelton “winning the sexiest man isn’t a triumph.” 

“I personally posted men are scum in November and I received a seven day ban. It’s still ongoing. Two days and 23 hours left,” said comedian Alison Klemp. 

What the fuck Facebook?

Please do not try to protect men.

 "Men are shit, all men are ugly?" These are what they consider examples of criticism that men cannot handle?

We say nastier shit than that just to wind each other up all of the time. 

Trust me men need to be criticized. And if they can't take it they need to stop calling themselves men.


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