Courtesy of New York Magazine:Pres. Trump on repeal of individual mandate in tax bill: "When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means Obamacare is being repealed...Obamacare has been repealed in this bill."— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) December 20, 2017
Almost none of this is true. Indeed, it reveals the opposite. Trump recognizes that he has no chance to repeal Obamacare, so he is instead pretending to have killed the law that his base loathes (but which the country as a whole likes quite a bit).
Most of Obamacare remains in place. That includes such things as reforms that have helped hold down medical inflation, the expansion of Medicaid to cover the poor, subsidies for individuals to buy insurance, and regulations to prevent insurers from cherry-picking the healthy and excluding the sick. “When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means Obamacare is being repealed. Because they get their money from the individual mandate,” Trump “explains.”
It is possible he thinks this is true. It isn’t. The law is primarily financed by other taxes. It is correct that repealing the individual mandate will impair the effectiveness of the marketplaces that sell insurance to people who can’t get coverage through their employer. That will make premiums more expensive, and possibly drive insurers out of some markets. States that want to have a highly functioning marketplace will be able to impose a state-level mandate, though, an outcome that could make insurance cheaper in blue states than red ones.
My favorite part of this is how smugly self satisfied Trump looks as he spews his bullshit.
However believe it or not this is not the most awkward statement made by Republicans after they passed the GOP tax bill.
Beating him out by a mile was Orrin Hatch's oral gratification of Donald Trump right out in public.
Damn, that is hard to read.Here's the transcript of Sen. Orrin Hatch's effusive speech about Trump:— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) December 20, 2017
But still that has NOTHING on Mike Pence who essentially prayed at the altar of Donald Trump.
"You shall have no other gods before Me."Good Lord, you need to watch this. After Ben Carson's Prayer, Mike Pence actually delivered a prayer of thanks to Trump. Must watch.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 20, 2017
"You shall not worship false idols."
I can't remember where I read it, but it seemed important.
Perhaps Mike Pence needs to go back to church and get a little Biblical tune up.