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Monday, 4 December 2017

Donald Trump is now creating a conspiracy to redirect attention away from his administration and back toward Hillary Clinton.

Courtesy of Politicususa:  

When asked about Flynn, Trump said, “I feel badly for General Flynn. I feel very badly. He’s led a very strong life, and I feel very badly…I will say this, Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI. Nothing happened to her. Flynn lied, and they destroyed his life. I think it’s a shame. Hillary Clinton went to the FBI on the 4th of July weekend, not under oath, it was the most incredible thing that anyone’s ever seen. She lied many times. Nothing happened to her. Flynn lied, and it’s like, they ruined his life. It’s very unfair.” 

That’s not how any of this works. Lying to the FBI is a crime. Period. Hillary Clinton never lied to the FBI, or she would have been charged with a crime. Trump is inventing a conspiracy that the FBI is pro-Hillary Clinton and out to get him. 

Trump’s answer was crazy on so many levels, and his reflexive answer when he gets into any trouble at all is to retreat to Hillary Clinton happy place where he can either blame Clinton or accuse the world of being a Hillary Clinton conspiracy against him.

I imagine that right about now the stench of desperation must be all but overwhelming around Trump and his cohorts.

It seems like every day the Russian investigations keep picking up steam as they bear down on Trump and his administration.

It might be time to put the entire White House on suicide watch.


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