The #MeToo campaign has taken down predators from both the Right and the Left, from both Hollywood and Washington DC, and both famous and infamous journalists as well.
However while Sarah Palin has been all too willing to jump onto stories about liberal Hollywood or media figures, she has been largely silent when it came to allegations concerning predators on the Right.
Now yesterday we had her ghostwriting stand in for Bristol attempt to attract a little of that sweet #MeToo attention their way by writing up a sad little blog post suggesting that the Palin family has also been the longtime victims of sexual harassment.
This of course is nothing new as the Palin family has been blowing their rape whistles virtually from the moment that they burst onto the scene.
Bristol even had a book written for her that suggested Levi raped her in a tent. (I actually asked him about that directly, and let's just say her version in no way matches what really took place.)
In that post yesterday Bristol's paid ghostwriter went to some rather amazing lengths to prove that the Palins are long suffering victims.
For instance she wrote that this comment by Chris Wallace, in which he was asked by Don Imus if Sarah Palin would be sitting on this lap during their first interview, was an example of sexual harassment. As you can see Wallace was called out for making a somewhat sexist remark by other Fox New hosts, and of course the interview that took place was purely professional, so to use this as an example of sexual harassment seems incredibly weak.
The Bristol ghostwriter then goes on to use the Letterman joke as a further example.
The actual joke, if you remember, was "Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seven minute stretch when her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
Of course Dave thought that the daughter she brought was the previously pregnant Bristol, and not Willow who was actually accompanying her mother and father to New York.
The joke may have been in poor taste (Made me laugh however.), but it was not a pro-rape joke which was the accusation made by the Palin family.
The next examples are Azeala Banks, who made some rather indefensible remarks about black men "running a train" on Sarah, and Mike Tyson suggesting that she needed a black man like Dennis Rodman to "push her guts up into her head," after learning that she had bedded the very gentlemanly Glen Rice.
Now yes it could be argued that these are tasteless comments, but this ghostwriter needs to remember that tasteless comments are constantly being made about public figures, and since they were not made directly to her that it is still a stretch to think of them as the same type of sexual harassment suffered by the victims of Matt Lauer, Bill O'Reilly, or Roy Moore.
However it is the last example that is truly remarkable in it tone deafness.
In this example Bristol's ghostwriter feigns outrage over the fact that former Fox and Friends couch warmer, Alisyn Camerota, asked Palin if she had had breast surgery after this photo started making the rounds.
Since everybody by this time had come to realize that Palin was essentially flat as a board up on top, as illustrated by this photo,...
...this was not really such an outlandish question.
After all Palin had clearly wanted to draw attention to her chest which is why she wore what we now suspect was a water bra, with a tight white top.
And then when somebody noticed, and asked her about it, they are suddenly sexually harassing her?
At the end of this pathetic post the ghostwriter suggests that there is a double standard, and that liberal women's accusations are taken more seriously than those made by conservative women.
To that I would respond with the fact that the Roy Moore accusers have stated that they are lifelong conservatives, and some even admitted to voting for Trump. (Al Franken accuser Leann Tweeden has also been identified as a conservative.)
No this is NOT a partisan issue, and all accusers should be treated equally.
However if they, like Bristol's ghostwriter, are going to try and compare the terrible experiences of those who have suffered actual trauma to incidences like those listed above, they are likely going to find that they are laughed at and dismissed as simple attention seekers.
However while Sarah Palin has been all too willing to jump onto stories about liberal Hollywood or media figures, she has been largely silent when it came to allegations concerning predators on the Right.
Now yesterday we had her ghostwriting stand in for Bristol attempt to attract a little of that sweet #MeToo attention their way by writing up a sad little blog post suggesting that the Palin family has also been the longtime victims of sexual harassment.
This of course is nothing new as the Palin family has been blowing their rape whistles virtually from the moment that they burst onto the scene.
Bristol even had a book written for her that suggested Levi raped her in a tent. (I actually asked him about that directly, and let's just say her version in no way matches what really took place.)
In that post yesterday Bristol's paid ghostwriter went to some rather amazing lengths to prove that the Palins are long suffering victims.
For instance she wrote that this comment by Chris Wallace, in which he was asked by Don Imus if Sarah Palin would be sitting on this lap during their first interview, was an example of sexual harassment. As you can see Wallace was called out for making a somewhat sexist remark by other Fox New hosts, and of course the interview that took place was purely professional, so to use this as an example of sexual harassment seems incredibly weak.
The Bristol ghostwriter then goes on to use the Letterman joke as a further example.
The actual joke, if you remember, was "Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seven minute stretch when her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."
Of course Dave thought that the daughter she brought was the previously pregnant Bristol, and not Willow who was actually accompanying her mother and father to New York.
The joke may have been in poor taste (Made me laugh however.), but it was not a pro-rape joke which was the accusation made by the Palin family.
The next examples are Azeala Banks, who made some rather indefensible remarks about black men "running a train" on Sarah, and Mike Tyson suggesting that she needed a black man like Dennis Rodman to "push her guts up into her head," after learning that she had bedded the very gentlemanly Glen Rice.
Now yes it could be argued that these are tasteless comments, but this ghostwriter needs to remember that tasteless comments are constantly being made about public figures, and since they were not made directly to her that it is still a stretch to think of them as the same type of sexual harassment suffered by the victims of Matt Lauer, Bill O'Reilly, or Roy Moore.
However it is the last example that is truly remarkable in it tone deafness.
In this example Bristol's ghostwriter feigns outrage over the fact that former Fox and Friends couch warmer, Alisyn Camerota, asked Palin if she had had breast surgery after this photo started making the rounds.
Since everybody by this time had come to realize that Palin was essentially flat as a board up on top, as illustrated by this photo,...
...this was not really such an outlandish question.
After all Palin had clearly wanted to draw attention to her chest which is why she wore what we now suspect was a water bra, with a tight white top.
And then when somebody noticed, and asked her about it, they are suddenly sexually harassing her?
At the end of this pathetic post the ghostwriter suggests that there is a double standard, and that liberal women's accusations are taken more seriously than those made by conservative women.
To that I would respond with the fact that the Roy Moore accusers have stated that they are lifelong conservatives, and some even admitted to voting for Trump. (Al Franken accuser Leann Tweeden has also been identified as a conservative.)
No this is NOT a partisan issue, and all accusers should be treated equally.
However if they, like Bristol's ghostwriter, are going to try and compare the terrible experiences of those who have suffered actual trauma to incidences like those listed above, they are likely going to find that they are laughed at and dismissed as simple attention seekers.