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Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Your Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is a sleazy pedophile update.

Would a pedophile have such a precious little gun?
The feces really hit the old fan blades with yesterday's revelation that Roy Moore not only used to proposition high school girls while in his 30's but also attempted to rape one of them.

THAT revelation had the Republican rats jumping off the SS Pedophile in droves.

However Moore still has his supporters, which apparently include the reporters of Breitbart. (Seriously? You were surprised?)

Courtesy of Yahoo News: 

Right-leaning news outlet Breitbart sent two reporters to Alabama for the purpose of discrediting the reporting on child sex abuse charges against Roy Moore.

Unfortunately these two reporters were unable to provide much cover as new disgusting information made its way to the internet.

Courtesy of Vice News:

Roy Moore’s inappropriate behavior with teenage girls was an open secret in his hometown of Gadsden, Alabama, where he badgered teens so often he was banned from the local mall, the New Yorker reports. 

“He would go and flirt with all the young girls,” Blake Usry confirmed to, adding that tales about Moore have been floating around town for three decades. “It’d seem like every Friday or Saturday night [you’d see him] walking around the mall, like the kids did.”

Yuck! How did this never come out before?

For his part Roy Moore is simply arguing that all of this is a hit job with evidence manufactured by his political enemies.
Of course Moore's wife continues to stand by her man, because that is what good conservative women do.

Courtesy of 

"After the accusations came out against Judge Moore his polling numbers did not change, so do you think they will let up?? We knew something was coming, just did not know what next. This is the same Gloria Allred that did the very exact same thing to Trump during his campaign. Going on two months now they've been on a witchhunt here in Etowah County and our state advertising people to step forward with accusations and we are gathering evidence of money being paid to people who would come forward. Which is part of why we are filing suit!"

Good luck with that.

As for those poll numbers that Mrs. Moore mentions, that is not quite accurate:

For the first time the Democratic candidate for the U. S. Senate, Doug Jones, is leading in a new poll. The numbers come in the aftermath of recent sexual misconduct allegations by multiple women against Republican Roy Moore. 

The polling was conducted before the latest accusation on Monday from a woman claiming Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 16. Louisianna-based JMC Analytics shows Jones with a new advantage at 46-42. 9% of voters remain undecided. Both candidates experienced a six-point swing from the last survey. Of the 9% undecided, 48% say they are leaning towards Jones against 44% towards Moore.

Keep in mind this was BEFORE the new allegations of attempted rape.

No things are not looking good for Judge "Me like little girls" Moore.  


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