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Monday, 13 November 2017

Gal Gadot refuses to reprise her role as Wonder Woman until sexual predator Brett Ratner is removed as one of the producers.

Courtesy of Page Six: 

“Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot is continuing to battle accused Hollywood sexual harasser Brett Ratner by refusing to sign for a super­hero sequel unless the movie-maker is completely killed from the franchise. 

A Hollywood source tells Page Six that Gadot — who last month backed out of a dinner honoring Ratner, where she was due to present him with an award — is taking a strong stance on sexual harassment in Hollywood and doesn’t want her hit “Wonder Woman” franchise to benefit a man accused of sexual misconduct. 

Ratner’s production company RatPac-Dune Entertainment helped produce “Wonder Woman” as part of its co-financing deal with Warner Bros. The movie has grossed more than $400 million internationally, and Ratner’s company will take a healthy share of the profits. A Warner Bros. insider explained, “Brett made a lot of money from the success of ‘Wonder Woman,’ thanks to his company having helped finance the first movie. Now Gadot is saying she won’t sign for the sequel unless Warner Bros. buys Brett out [of his financing deal] and gets rid of him.”

This may not seem like such a huge deal in the larger scheme of things, but trust me, it is.

Currently women are feeling more empowered than ever to come forward and talk about sexual harassment and their past victimization.

At the same time Wonder Woman has been embraced as an icon of female strength.

For Gadot to use her new position in the movie industry to come out this aggressively, and this publicly, against a powerful member of Hollywood is to give a voice to all of those women who have felt alone and powerless against movie producers, directors, employers, managers, etc. in years past.

Symbolism is important, and what better symbol of feminine strength and power than Wonder Woman herself?


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