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Saturday, 4 November 2017

Former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page admits that he totally went to Russia in 2016 to meet government officials.

What else do you want to know? Want the password to my wifi? How about my social security number?
Courtesy of the New York Times:  

Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, met Russian government officials during a July 2016 trip he took to Moscow, according to testimony he gave on Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee. 

Shortly after the trip, Mr. Page sent an email to at least one Trump campaign aide describing insights he had after conversations with government officials, legislators and business executives during his time in Moscow, according to one person familiar with the contents of the message. The email was read aloud during the closed-door testimony. 

The new details of the trip present a different picture than the account Mr. Page has given during numerous appearances in the news media in recent months and are yet another example of a Trump adviser meeting with Russians officials during the 2016 campaign. In multiple interviews with The New York Times, he had either denied meeting with any Russian government officials during the July 2016 visit or sidestepped the question, saying he met with “mostly scholars.” 

Mr. Page confirmed the meetings in an interview on Friday evening, but played down their significance. 

“I had a very brief hello to a couple of people. That was it,” he said. He said one of the people he met was a “senior person,” but would not confirm the person’s identity.

So not only did Page go to Russia while actively working with the Trump campaign, but he emailed folks in the campaign to give them a status report.

Maybe it's just me but that does not sound like the official talking points from the campaign.

By the way for Carter Page to openly admit that he made his trip and told Trump campaign personnel about it, but then be unwilling to identify who he met with, kind of makes it seem super important to find out who he met with.

Oh and while he was at it Page went ahead and confirmed that ole George Papadopoulos was telling the truth as well.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Carter Page acknowledged Friday that he was copied on an email chain in which fellow Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos suggested hooking the Trump team up with Russian government officials. 

“I was one of many people on that email chain,” the perpetually chatty Page told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an on-air interview.

Robert Mueller must love this guy.


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