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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Employees at Fox News are embarrassed and humiliated by the cable network's coverage of the Robert Mueller investigation.

Courtesy of CNN:

Some employees at Fox News were left embarrassed and humiliated by their network's coverage of the latest revelations in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling, according to conversations CNN had with several individuals placed throughout the network. 

"I'm watching now and screaming," one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network's coverage. "I want to quit." 

"It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way," one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet's coverage, adding that there were "many eye rolls" in the newsroom over how the news was covered. 

The person said, "Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House." 

The employees spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. A Fox News spokesperson told CNN the network covered the breaking news accurately and fairly across both news and opinion programming.

The article goes on to  reveal that though Fox did cover the recent indictments they did not focus on them, and instead spent a lot of time on the NFL protests, North Korea, and Trump's tax plan, while also airing pieces that questioned Muller's credibility. 

My friend emailed me last night and insists that at least one of these nameless folks in the piece above is most likely Shep Smith, who must be constantly cursing under his breath all day long about now.

Fortunately for conservatives in "the bubble" this is coming from CNN so Donald Trump will just dismiss it as "fake news."


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