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Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Donald Trump is on track to have told a whopping 2,000 falsehoods during his first year in office.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

For some reason, our year-long project analyzing, categorizing and tracking every false or misleading claim by President Trump had seemed like quite a burden in the past month. Well, the numbers are in and now we know why: In the past 35 days, Trump has averaged an astonishing nine claims a day. 

The total now stands at 1,628 claims in 298 days, or an average of 5.5 claims a day. That puts the president on track to reach 1,999 claims by the end of his first year in office, though he obviously would easily exceed 2,000 if he maintained the pace of the past month.

This is usually the part of the post where I say "How can people still support a guy who simply cannot tell the truth?"

But then I have to remind myself that the people who still support Donald Trump have no relationship with the truth, do not trust facts, and believe the mainstream media is a liberal creation designed to destroy their conservative leaders.

At that point I just bang my head on the desk until the pretty stars arrive to distract me from the craziness that seems to have infected our country.


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