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Saturday, 4 November 2017

58% of Americans approve of how Robert Mueller is handling his investigation, while 49% think it is likely that Donald Trump is a criminal.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

More than twice as many Americans approve as disapprove of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds, indicating that the conservative effort to discredit the probe has fallen flat as the case has progressed toward its first public charges. 

A 58 percent majority say they approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation, while 28 percent say they disapprove, the Post-ABC poll finds. People’s views depend in large part on their political leanings, but overall, Americans are generally inclined to trust Mueller and the case he has made so far. 

Meanwhile, fewer than 4 in 10 Americans say they believe Trump is cooperating with Mueller’s investigation, while about half believe he is not. 

A similar 49 percent think it is likely Trump himself committed a crime in connection with possible Russian attempts to influence the election, although more say this view is based on suspicion rather than on hard evidence.

To put it simply almost sixty percent of Americans have faith in how Robert Mueller is conducting his investigation, while just under fifty percent think that Trump is guilty of a crime.

That makes it all but impossible for Trump to fire Mueller, or successfully sabotage this investigation.  


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