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Saturday, 28 October 2017

You knew this was coming, conservatives ramping up calls for Robert Mueller's resignation.

Courtesy of Fox News (Huge surprise.): 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is facing a fresh round of calls from conservative critics for his resignation from the Russia collusion probe, amid revelations that have called into question the FBI’s own actions and potentially Mueller’s independence. 

This week’s bombshell that a controversial anti-Trump dossier was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign has Republicans asking to what extent the FBI – which received some of the findings and briefly agreed to pay the same researcher to gather intelligence on Trump and Russia – used the politically connected material. 

Hill investigators also are looking into a Russian firm’s uranium deal that was approved by the Obama administration in 2010 despite reports that the FBI – then led by Mueller – had evidence of bribery involving a subsidiary of that firm. 

Critics question whether Mueller’s own ties to the bureau as well as fired FBI director James Comey now render him compromised as he investigates allegations of Russian meddling and collusion with Trump officials in the 2016 race.

I really think this is less about the newly surfaced revelations that a Clinton attorney and the DNC helped finance Christopher Steele's investigation, and more about the fact that Mueller and his team are ready to start the indictments.

Things are getting much too hot, so of course Trump supporters are going to be going after Robert Mueller, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, Hillary Clinton, and anybody else associated with these investigations to deflect blame and distract from the indictments.

And the Republicans in Congress appear to be going along as well:

President Trump and Republicans in Congress are demanding new scrutiny of Hillary Clinton’s actions as secretary of state, potentially jeopardizing investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election just as the probes are closing in on Trump’s inner circle. 

In the span of a week, House and Senate Republican leaders announced two investigations into Obama-era decisions involving a uranium deal that increased Russia’s share of the U.S. nuclear market — and another into how the FBI handled Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. 

Trump has cheered on the new Republican-driven investigations, which have resurrected some of the president’s most- favored jabs against Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. 

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein has seen all of this before.
In the 70's the Republicans refused to allow the president to sabotage the investigation.

Do they still have that courage today? 


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