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Sunday, 22 October 2017

Steven Bannon tells audience of California Republicans that "There has not been a more destructive presidency than George Bush's."

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

Steve Bannon has depicted former President George W Bush as bumbling and inept, faulting him for presiding over a “destructive” presidency during his time in the White House. 

The former White House adviser delivered a retort to a speech Bush gave in New York during the week in which the 43rd president denounced bigotry in Trump-era American politics and warned that the rise of “nativism”, isolationism and conspiracy theories have clouded the nation’s true identity. 

Bannon, speaking to a capacity crowd at a California Republican party convention on Friday night, said Bush had embarrassed himself, didn’t know what he was talking about, and had no idea whether “he is coming or going, just like it was when he was president”. 

“There has not been a more destructive presidency than George Bush’s,” Bannon added, as boos could be heard in the crowd at the mention of Bush’s name.

Well here's the thing.

I USED to be in total agreement with that last statement, but that was before Bannon's bromantic partner Donald Trump took office.

I mean as of yet Trump has not started an unnecessary war that killed hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people, that's true.

Nor has he crashed the economy. Yet.

But I have high hopes that he will soon do FAR more damage than George Bush managed to do even after eight years in office.

And by "high hopes" I mean I live in abject fear of what he might do next.

Besides let's be clear, Bannon is not attacking George Bush for what he did during his presidency.

He is attacking George Bush for daring to criticize his his former boss, and White House slumber party partner.


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