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Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Former Trump adviser appearing on Sinclair owned news outlet claims the real problem with violence in America is all this "black African gun crime against black Africans."

Courtesy of TPM: 

In a round-table discussion on gun violence aired by WJLA — the Washington, D.C. ABC affiliate that was purchased in 2014 by the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group — Gorka attempted to make a point about the legislative effort to ban so-called bump stocks. The gunman behind the shooting massacre in Las Vegas on Oct. 1 had several bump stocks, which mimic the firing speed of automatic weapons, in his hotel room. 

“The biggest problem we have is not mass shootings, they are the anomaly,” he began. “You do not make legislation out of outliers.”

“Our big issue is black African gun crime against black Africans,” Gorka said. “It is a tragedy. Go to Chicago. Go to — the city’s run by Democrats for 40 years. Black young men are murdering each other by the bushel. This is a social issue. Allow the police to do their jobs and re-build those societies. Legislation will not save lives. 

“I assume what he’s talking about is African-Americans,” one panelist said after Gorka finished. 

“Yes,” the former White House official replied. 

“Well, that’s not what you said,” the panelist responded. “I couldn’t figure out who these African— “ 

“African-Americans,” Gorka said.

I believe that is what we in the business call a "Freudian slip."

This Gorka guy is such in innate racist that he cannot even bring himself to call black folks in this country "Americans."

This is just another example of that Trump TV we all heard about late last year.

Trump cannot get the real media to report on what he wants them to report, so he has helped to create his own version of reality in partnership with this Sinclair broadcasting group.

And millions of Americans are seeing this on their TV screens and believe they are watching trustworthy local news outlets.


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