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Friday, 20 October 2017

Donald Trump doubles down on attack of "wacky" Congresswoman who called him out over insensitive call to Gold Star family even though his Chief of Staff confirmed she was telling the truth.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Both the family and Wilson released statements that refute Trump’s take on the call. Wilson is a close friend of the Johnson family and had the late Sgt. La David Johnson in a leadership class as a child. She’s known him for more than 15 years. The Master Sergeant with the family riding to the airport to retrieve the body was the one who received the call. He put it on speakerphone so that the all in the car could hear the call. 

The soldier’s mother confirmed the Congresswoman’s account of the situation. Rather than attack the family of a fallen soldier, however, Trump has chosen to attack a Democratic Congresswoman, calling her “wacky” in his Thursday tweet.

What's even stranger about this is that yesterday Trump's Chief of Staff, John Kelly, admitted that HE was the one who suggested the phrase "He knew what he signed up for" which essentially confirmed that Trump had said it.

And of course the family also backed up Wilson's version of events.

So WHO is the liar here?


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