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Friday, 8 September 2017

Robert Mueller wants to interview White House staffers who witnessed Trump dictating that letter which provided false information about Junior's Trump Tower meeting.

Courtesy of CNN:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has approached the White House about interviewing staffers who were aboard Air Force One when the initial misleading statement about Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower was crafted, three sources familiar with the conversations said. 

The special counsel's discussions with the White House are the latest indication that Mueller's investigators are interested in the response to the Trump Tower meeting. Mueller wants to know how the statement aboard Air Force One was put together, whether information was intentionally left out and who was involved, two of the sources said. 

Mueller's questions could go to the issue of intent and possible efforts to conceal information during an obstruction of justice investigation. The answers to Mueller's questions also could illuminate the level of anxiety surrounding the meeting and the decision-making that followed. 

The interviews with White House staffers who were aboard Air Force One have not begun, the sources said. They currently involve only a small number of people, but the sources cautioned that number could increase. At this time, Mueller has not asked to interview President Trump. 

I think that is where all of this is leading. To an interview with Donald Trump.

And that makes sense because we KNOW he is going to lie.

That is ALL he ever does. 

Once in that witness chair Trump will ignore the advice of his attorneys and start digging himself into a hole that no amount of presidential powers will be able to extricate him from.

Trump's only option to protect himself is to find a way to fire Mueller, and if he does THAT his chances of being impeached will only increase.

To put it simply, he is fucked!


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