Courtesy of Newsweek:
The violent neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month was nothing more than “a total hoax” orchestrated by liberals who supported Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, according to a hard-right Republican representative.
“It’s all baloney,” Dana Rohrabacher told the San Francisco Chronicle, speaking of the rally where police said a car driven by a white supremacist injured 19 and killed counterprotester Heather Heyer.
“It was left-wingers who were manipulating them in order to have this confrontation,” Rohrabacher said Thursday, in an effort to “put our president on the spot.”
Yet that’s all bunk according to Rohrabacher, who pinned the events on a former “Hillary and Bernie supporter” who got Civil War re-enactors together to protect the statue of Lee, which would be removed under a proposal before Charlottesville’s City Council.
“It was a setup for these dumb Civil War re-enactors,” Rohrabacher said of the Charlottesville rally.
All this, he claims, was a ruse to box in President Donald Trump over the issue of racism in America. On the day of the rally and at a press conference at Trump Tower a couple of days later, the president said blame for the violence fell “on both sides.” His response hurt his approval ratings among Republicans who saw his statements as divisive.
Well SOMEBODY has obviously been getting their news from Info Wars again.
Rohrabacher's major claim to fame is that he is an ardent climate cahnge denier, but clearly his ignorance is not contained to only rejecting science.
He also rejects news coverage, undeniable facts, and apparently ANYTHING which undermines his world view.
Of course the problem is not just with his own stupidity but the fact that he represents a number of equally ignorant people who will continue to make excuses for racists because deep down they agree with them completely.
Though in Rohrabacher's case I am not at all sure it is all that deep down.
The violent neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month was nothing more than “a total hoax” orchestrated by liberals who supported Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, according to a hard-right Republican representative.
“It’s all baloney,” Dana Rohrabacher told the San Francisco Chronicle, speaking of the rally where police said a car driven by a white supremacist injured 19 and killed counterprotester Heather Heyer.
“It was left-wingers who were manipulating them in order to have this confrontation,” Rohrabacher said Thursday, in an effort to “put our president on the spot.”
Yet that’s all bunk according to Rohrabacher, who pinned the events on a former “Hillary and Bernie supporter” who got Civil War re-enactors together to protect the statue of Lee, which would be removed under a proposal before Charlottesville’s City Council.
“It was a setup for these dumb Civil War re-enactors,” Rohrabacher said of the Charlottesville rally.
All this, he claims, was a ruse to box in President Donald Trump over the issue of racism in America. On the day of the rally and at a press conference at Trump Tower a couple of days later, the president said blame for the violence fell “on both sides.” His response hurt his approval ratings among Republicans who saw his statements as divisive.
Well SOMEBODY has obviously been getting their news from Info Wars again.
Rohrabacher's major claim to fame is that he is an ardent climate cahnge denier, but clearly his ignorance is not contained to only rejecting science.
He also rejects news coverage, undeniable facts, and apparently ANYTHING which undermines his world view.
Of course the problem is not just with his own stupidity but the fact that he represents a number of equally ignorant people who will continue to make excuses for racists because deep down they agree with them completely.
Though in Rohrabacher's case I am not at all sure it is all that deep down.