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Monday, 25 September 2017

Puerto Rico is in near devastation since being hit by Hurricane Maria, but here is the president fighting with the NFL again.

This of course is a carry over from yesterday's Twitter rant, which followed comments made on Friday attacking NFL players that #takeaknee.

That means that Trump has spent an entire weekend attacking the most popular sporting event in America (Only interrupted by a brief attack on another of America's favorite sports.) instead of actually fucking his fucking job.

Meanwhile, like I said at the top, the US territory of  Puerto Rico has been decimated by Hurricane Maria, and not a peep out of the Orange Fuhrer.

The People's President Hillary Clinton has urged Trump to send in the Navy to help deal with the tragedy: 

"President Trump, (Defense) Sec. (James) Mattis, and DOD (Department of Defense) should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now," the former presidential nominee tweeted Sunday morning. "These are American citizens."

But so far America's response has been minimal at best.

Apparently Trump has been too busy attacking Republicans who have not passed a bill to repeal Obamacare, and continuing his feud with the NFL.

That last one resulted in an ethics complaint being filed against Trump for attempting "to influence the employment practices of a private entity “solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation."

By the way Trump also retweeted this a little while ago.
Methinks that Trump does not really know much about Pat Tillman, because from what I learned about the man he would probably have already taken a knee a long time ago.


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