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Thursday, 7 September 2017

Number of people that now identify as having no religion is over 50% in Britain.

Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:  

A survey from the National Centre for Social Research, just released today, finds that a record number of British people have no religious affiliation at all. 53% of people said they didn’t belong to any organized religion, which is up 5% from just a year ago. 

Researchers with the British Social Attitudes survey asked participants, “Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion?” If they said yes, they were asked which one. That phrasing makes a difference. If researchers had offered a multiple choice list of religions, with “No religion” as an option, it’s possible many people would have responded with the religion of their youth despite no longer practicing it. But when asked up front if they’re religious, it’s much easier to honestly say no. 

Since 1983, when this survey began, the number has grown pretty steadily with only a few slight dips in between. And the rise of the Nones is commensurate with the decline of the Church of England. 

What is even more exciting is that a full 71% of folks aged 18-24 now identify as non-religious, so the future looks bright indeed.

It is still my firm opinion that religion itself is an outdated and antiquated idea which no longer serves any real purpose except to dumb down the populace and convince them to vote for idiotic things like Donald Trump and Brexit.

My goal is to live long enough to see the majority of the world identify at non-religious before I die.

So what do you think, do I need to live to be a hundred or a hundred and fifty?


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