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Sunday, 24 September 2017

Meanwhile in North Korea.....

Courtesy of the BBC:

US bombers have flown close to North Korea's east coast to demonstrate the military options available to defeat any threat, the Pentagon has said. 

It said the flight was the farthest north of the demilitarised zone between the Koreas that any US fighter jet or bomber had flown in the 21st Century. 

Tensions have risen recently over Pyongyang's nuclear programme. 

At the UN, North Korea's foreign minister said US President Donald Trump was on a "suicide mission". 

Ri Yong-ho's comments to the General Assembly mimicked Mr Trump's remarks at the UN on Tuesday, when he called North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a "rocket man on a suicide mission".

Mr Ri added that "insults" by Mr Trump - who was, he said, "mentally deranged and full of megalomania" - were an "irreversible mistake making it inevitable" that North Korean rockets would hit the US mainland.

Jesus Christ! Are we on an elementary school playground here?

So while we are all distracted by Trump's bizarre attacks against NFL and NBA players, he is busy starting World War 3.



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