Courtesy of Mediaite:Wow - "I am proud to be a Democrat and wish Bernie were, too." #ShePersisted— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) September 4, 2017
She took aim at Sanders for “impugning” her character during the primary, which she believed ultimately helped Donald Trump win in the election.
“Because we agreed on so much, Bernie couldn’t make an argument against me in this area on policy, so he had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character,” she wrote. “When I finally challenged Bernie during a debate to name a single time I changed a position or a vote because of a financial contribution, he couldn’t come up with anything. Nonetheless, his attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump’s ‘Crooked Hillary’ campaign.”
Clinton expressed appreciation for the Vermont Senator for campaigning for her during the general election, but she also expressed her frustration that he himself wasn’t a Democrat to begin with and accused him of not necessarily wanting a Democrat to win the White House.
That is not the only place in the book where Hillary takes a shot at Bernie and his supporters.
I KNOW this is really going to piss off the Bernie-bots, but Hillary is not wrong here.SWEET JESUS HILLARY HAS NO MERCY! God I love this.— Adam (@itsAdamJSmith) September 4, 2017
I saw this myself during the 2016 election cycle, and it drove me fucking crazy.
The worst part in my opinion was that Trump would use information hacked by the Russians against Clinton, and then the Sanders supporters would spread it like manure all across social media.
This gave false information and conspiracy theories the kind of legitimacy among the progressives that they could never achieve while quarantined over on Right Wing new outlets and conservative talk radio programs.
THAT was why the Russian propaganda machine not only targeted Trump supporters but Bernie supporters as well.
Essentially Hillary has nothing to lose by speaking the truth and getting all of this off her chest. In fact it may turn out to be very beneficial moving forward to our next election cycle.
I have said it before but it bears repeating, the ONLY people who can confidently say they were not in some way manipulated by the Russians are those who voted for Hillary Clinton.
Because EVERYTHING they did was directed at keeping her out of the White House.