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Thursday, 7 September 2017

Elizabeth Warren signs on to Bernie Sanders "Medicare for All" bill.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

Senator Elizabeth Warren announced on Thursday she's co-sponsoring Senator Bernie Sanders's "Medicare for All" bill, which is set to be introduced next week in the Senate. 

In a statement, Warren said, "There is something fundamentally wrong when one of the richest and most powerful countries on the planet can’t make sure that a person can afford to see a doctor when they’re sick. This isn’t any way to live." 

"I believe it’s time to take a step back and ask: what is the best way to deliver high quality, low cost health care to all Americans? Everything should be on the table – and that’s why I’m co-sponsoring Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All bill that will be introduced later this month," the senator added. 

In her statement, Warren applauded the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and former President Barack Obama's efforts on health care, signifying a desire to build off of his accomplishments. 

"We owe a huge debt to President Obama. Because of the Affordable Care Act, health care coverage is better – more people can get the treatment they need and families are less vulnerable to the financial fallout from a serious illness or accident," Warren said. "But there’s so much more we could do right now to bring down the costs of quality health care for every American."

I am gratified to see Warren giving President Obama the props he deserves for getting the Affordable Care Act passed. There are those who are not quite as gracious.

Earlier rising Democratic star Kamala Harris also voiced her support for this bill so it appears that it is likely to become an official plank of the Democratic party.

And that is a good thing.

I told my friend just the other day that I think the Democrats need one unifying policy to rally behind, and I think this could be it.

I also want to give Bernie Sanders credit for pushing this idea and bringing people on to support it. I am so over Sanders at this point I had to check twice to remember how to spell his name, but this is a positive step forward, and he deserves to be recognized for that.

Hopefully this will inspire other Democrats to sign on and together we can get this thing done.


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