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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

California Governor Jerry Brown compares Trump supporters to "troglodytes" as both "dwell in deep dark caves."

Courtesy of Politico:  

California Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday called President Donald Trump’s approach to climate change and North Korea “stupid and dangerous and silly,” sharpening his criticism of the president and comparing his supporters to cave dwellers. 

“They’re both kind of very similar,” Brown said at a climate change event in New York. “You should check out the derivation of ‘Trump-ite’ and ‘troglodyte,’ because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves.”

“President Trump is the null hypothesis, which he’s proven,” Brown said. “Everything he’s doing is … stupid and dangerous and silly. I mean, come on, really, calling the North Korean dictator ‘Rocket Man'? … He is accelerating the reversal through his own absurdity.”

While acknowledging he was making “lemonade out of a lemon,” Brown predicted Trump will “fail very soon” in the face of economic and other international forces. 

“These other powers are going to gang up on Mr. Trump, and he’s going to find out, ‘You’re fired,’” Brown said.

I'm really hoping that Governor Brown is correct with that last assessment. 

In my opinion Jerry Brown is essentially the anti-Trump in that he believes in the power of government, sees public service as an important responsibility, and makes decisions for the benefit of his constituents and not himself. 

I have been a fan of Jerry Brown since back in the days when he was dating Linda Ronstadt. 

Brown took what was essentially a smoking corpse of a state, and turned it around almost completely after Arnold Schwarzenegger spent two terms trying to terminate it.

If Jerry Brown were not already 79 years of age I would seriously consider him as the perfect presidential candidate for the Democratic party in 2020.

However there may be another option as California's Lt. Governor, Gavin Newsom, is only 49 years old and is just as forward thinking and progressive as his boss.

Newsom has run a business, been mayor of San Fransisco, is a promoter of public schools, and was an early advocate for same sex marriage.

I know it's early, but I think it's time to start thinking of strong Democratic candidates, and Newsom clicks all the right boxes.


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