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Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Alex Jones and Roger Stone know why Donald Trump is acting like an Alzheimer patient, he is being drugged by the "deep state."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

The 71-year-old Trump has a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, and analyses have found he showed some symptoms of age-related cognitive impairment — including observations that he shows symptoms of late-day confusion known as “sundowning.” 

“I’ve talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they’re building up that’s also addictive in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea, and that the president by 6 or 7 at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged,” Jones said. “Now first they had to isolate him to do that. But, yes, ladies and gentleman, I’ve talked to people that talk to the president now at 9 at night, he is slurring his words, and I’m going to leave it at that. I’ve talked to folks that have talked to him directly.” 

Jones compared Trump’s behavior to former President Ronald Reagan, who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease that likely started during his time in the White House. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, I was told this by high level sources and it was evident and especially after [Ronald] Reagan was shot in his first year in office when he was acting like Trump, and doing the right things, that he never really recovered,” Jones said. “They gave him cold blood, and his transfusion that causes brain damage. They slowly gave him small amounts of sedatives. It’s known that most presidents end up getting drugged. Small dosages of sedatives till they build it up, Trump’s such a bull he hasn’t fully understood it yet.”

Jones goes onto suggest that Trump needed to be seen by an "outside physician," which I agree with, and that he is putting his own life in danger by bringing this up.

Because you know paranoid people are always about to be killed by somebody.

However Jones was not alone with this conspiracy, he also had ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone on to confirm his lunacy.

Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:  

After Jones made the claim that Trump is slurring his words by 5 or 6 in the evening, Stone and Jones reassured one another that Donald Trump is a fine, healthy strapping specimen of a man who could not possibly slur his words without help from someone else. 

Leaning in to Jones, Stone shared his gossip. "But I have now heard not from one, but two different sources, that he seemed disoriented and was slurring his speech in conversations." 

Whoa, if true. I would tend to believe that is actually true and that Trump is sundowning. But rather than consider a cause that might be perfectly natural and also disturbing, Stone has a different explanation. 

"To me this is a tip off that he may be being medicated," he continued. "Is General [John] Kelly above this? No."

Well it certainly appears that SOMEBODY might be on drugs. 

Actually the evidence that Donald Trump might have some mental health deficiencies was obvious even before he announced his candidacy.

As for the fact that he slurs his words and gets confused later in the evening, that could simply be the result of being 71 years old and doing a job that he is far too unhealthy to tackle, or it could be that he really is suffering from Dementia or the onset of Alzheimers.

By the way there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Trump has difficulty organizing his thoughts much earlier than 5 or 6 in the evening.

But leave it to these two sad faced clowns to create some batshit crazy conspiracy to explain the simple fact that their idol is unfit to lead this country.


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