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Sunday, 20 August 2017

Trump Administration demanding that sheriffs keep undocumented immigrants in jail longer than legally allowed in order to allow time for deportation.

Courtesy of The Daily Beast:  

President Donald Trump’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants has some sheriffs worried the White House is pushing them to break the law – demanding they violate the Fourth Amendment or face vilification from the commander-in-chief. 

“It’s a total mess,” said Bob Gualtieri, the sheriff of Pinellas County, Fla. 

At issue is a complicated question: Should sheriffs keep undocumented immigrants in their jails for more time than otherwise necessary so that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers can pick them up to be deported? 

The White House is demanding sheriffs do just that, by honoring ICE’s requests that sheriffs keep certain people locked up long enough for the agency to take them into custody. Those requests are called detainers. And many sheriffs would happily comply – except that federal courts have ruled repeatedly that the Fourth Amendment bars them from keeping an undocumented immigrant in jail who would otherwise go free. 

“If we violate the law by doing what they ask us to do, we’re subjecting ourselves, no question, to civil liability and civil rights violations,” Gualtieri said.

Galtieri goes on to say that he contacted the head White Nationalist at the White House, now that Steve Bannon's gone,  Stephen Miller and he did not seem to have any real understanding of the law.

Least surprising part of this whole article. 

So to be clear the White House is pushing local sheriffs to break the law so that they can tear apart families and send people who may only have had a minor legal infraction back over the border.

However in the meantime Donald Trump wants to forgive Nazis who beat people with clubs because "they had a permit."

Oh yeah, that's the kind of country I want to live in.


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