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Monday, 14 August 2017

There is a new drone with a gun on it. Oh, that can't be good.

Courtesy of BBC: 

A US technology firm has developed a drone that is able to aim and fire at enemies while flying in mid-air. 

The Tikad drone, developed by Duke Robotics, is armed with a machine-gun and a grenade launcher. 

The gun can be fired only by remote control, and is designed to reduce military casualties by cutting the number of ground troops required. 

But campaigners warn that in the wrong hands, it will make it easier to kill innocent people. 

The Tikad drone, available for private sale at an undisclosed price, has won a security innovation award from the US Department of Defense, and there is interest from several military forces around the world, including Israel, reports Defense One.

You know this would concern me if Barack Obama were still in the White House, but with Donald Trump in the Oval Office this is nothing less than terrifying. 

I have seen both the Terminator movies and the Robocop films so clearly I am an expert on this kind of thing.

Spoiler alert, things go really, really, really bad.


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