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Thursday, 10 August 2017

Protesters trolled Trump with giant inflatable chicken.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

A large inflatable chicken meant to resemble President Trump was placed near the White House on Wednesday. 

The inflatable chicken, which features a golden coif of hair and hand gestures similar to Trump's, is modeled after a statue unveiled in December as the mascot for a Chinese mall. Since the statue's unveiling last year, smaller copies have appeared across the United States. 

The inflatable chicken that appeared Wednesday appears to have been put up near the Ellipse area by the White House that is open to the public. 

Trump of course is off visiting one of his golf courses so he did not see the fowl with whom he shares such a remarkable resemblance.

The chicken is based on a statue placed near a mall in China.

Which was recreated by an artist in Seattle, and now apparently ANYBODY can buy one.

I have no idea what Trump thinks about the inflatable homage, because as it turns out he was too busy desperately looking for a favorable poll online that he could retweet.
I imagine that you will be less than surprised to learn that Progress Polls is a fake poll created by a pro-Trump Twitter troll.


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