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Wednesday, 9 August 2017

On the day we learn of the FBI raid Donald Trump's propaganda tabloid goes after Paul Manafort hard.

Kristol might be onto something because the tabloid aggressively accused Manafort of cheating on his wife with a much younger woman, and of wearing his wedding ring while "romping with his 33 year old mistress in the same bed he shares with his wife!"

The horror!

The Enquirer also leaves no doubt that this is a smear campaign in the quotes they use from White House sources: "President Trump has been focused on draining the swamp in Washington D.C." a White House insider said. "Meanwhile one of his trusted advisers was bedding another woman behind his wife's back, betraying her and his country!"

The source that the Enquirer identifies for these details is Manafort's daughters hacked I-Phone.

That hack occurred back in February, and was reported on by multiple news sources in March.

That of course was several months after Manafort was fired from Trump's campaign, and after it started to appear that he might be a liability.

Hmm, now who do we know who is into hacking folks, and leaking their information to pro-Trump media outlets?

Yeah, methinks this is a fairly obvious coordinated effort to smear Paul Manafort before he starts singing at the top of his lungs for Robert Mueller and his investigation team.


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