Courtesy of The Independent:
Britain would have likely voted to remain in the European Union were its population educated to a slightly higher level, a new study has found.
Researchers at the University of Leicester say that had just 3 per cent more of the population gone to university, the UK would probably not be leaving the EU.
The researchers looked at reasons why people voted Leave and found that whether someone had been to university or accessed other higher education was the “predominant factor” in how they voted.
The level of higher education in an area was far more important than age, gender, the number of immigrants, or income in predicting the way an area voted, the researchers found.
Age and gender were both significant but not as important as education level, the researchers found. Income and number of immigrants in an area were not found to be a significant factor in how people voted.
You know just back about seven or eight months ago this would be the part where I would point and laugh, "Ha ha England your country is full of idiots."
But then this happened.
Yep, no pointing and laughing for us.
Just another opportunity to reinforce the importance of improving our educational systems and in helping our children gain access to colleges and universities.
Remember, dumb people vote for dumb policies and even dumber politicians.
Britain would have likely voted to remain in the European Union were its population educated to a slightly higher level, a new study has found.
Researchers at the University of Leicester say that had just 3 per cent more of the population gone to university, the UK would probably not be leaving the EU.
The researchers looked at reasons why people voted Leave and found that whether someone had been to university or accessed other higher education was the “predominant factor” in how they voted.
The level of higher education in an area was far more important than age, gender, the number of immigrants, or income in predicting the way an area voted, the researchers found.
Age and gender were both significant but not as important as education level, the researchers found. Income and number of immigrants in an area were not found to be a significant factor in how people voted.
You know just back about seven or eight months ago this would be the part where I would point and laugh, "Ha ha England your country is full of idiots."
But then this happened.
Yep, no pointing and laughing for us.
Just another opportunity to reinforce the importance of improving our educational systems and in helping our children gain access to colleges and universities.
Remember, dumb people vote for dumb policies and even dumber politicians.