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Wednesday, 30 August 2017

New poll says that only 16% of Americans like the way that Donald Trump conducts himself as president.

Courtesy of the Pew Research Center: 

The survey, conducted by Pew Research Center Aug. 15-21 among 1,893 adults, finds that 15% of Americans say they agree with Trump on all or nearly all issues, while another 18% say they agree with him on many but not all issues. Most say they agree with Trump on either a few issues (21%) or “no or almost no issues” (45%). 

Setting issues aside, a majority (58%) say they do not like the way Trump conducts himself as president, while 25% have mixed feelings about his conduct. Just 16% say they like the way he conducts himself as president.

Is it wrong that I think at this point that 16% is still much too high?

But there's more.

Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, just 31% say they agree with Trump on all or nearly all issues, while an additional 38% agree with him on many, but not all, issues. Fully 93% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say they agree with Trump on, at most, a few issues, including 77% who report virtually no agreement with Trump on issues. 

In views of Trump’s conduct as president, 46% of Republicans express mixed feelings, while 19% say they do not like his conduct; 34% say they like the way he conducts himself as president. Among Democrats, 89% have a negative view of Trump’s conduct.

I have no idea how people find ANYTHING about Trump's conduct to be positive.

Rabid wolverines conduct themselves more positively than Donald Trump.

Still these are truly terrible numbers for Trump since typically a sitting president could rely on the fact that at least 95% of his own party would support how he conducts himself in his job.

I think even a dead guy in the Oval Office could pull higher numbers.


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