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Sunday, 16 July 2017

The White House just released the personal information of citizens concerned that the new election commission will release their personal information.

Courtesy of Vox: 

The White House just responded to concerns it would release voters’ sensitive personal information by releasing a bunch of voters’ sensitive personal information. 

Last month, the White House’s “election integrity” commission sent out requests to every state asking for all voters’ names, party IDs, addresses, and even the last four digits of their Social Security numbers, among other information. The White House then said this information would be made available to the public. 

A lot of people did not like the idea, fearing that their personal information could be made public. So some sent emails to the White House, demanding that it rescind the request. 

This week, the White House decided to make those emails from concerned citizens public through the commission's new website. But the administration made a big mistake: It didn’t censor any of the personal information — such as names, email addresses, actual addresses, and phone numbers — included in those emails. 

In effect, the White House just released the sensitive personal information of a lot of concerned citizens giving feedback to their government. That’s made even worse by the fact that the White House did this when the thing citizens were complaining about was the possibility that their private information would be made public.

In response to outrage over this a spokesperson for Mike Pence said this: 

“These are public comments, similar to individuals appearing before commission to make comments and providing name before making comments,” Marc Lotter, press secretary to the vice president, said. “The Commission’s Federal Register notice asking for public comments and its website make clear that information ‘including names and contact information’ sent to this email address may be released.”

Seriously it is like we are living inside a parody of American politics these days.

But that does NOT mean that anybody should unregister in response. And here is a video explaining why that is a dumb idea.
Our forefathers, and yes foremothers, fought too long and hard for our right to vote for us to just give it up in response to this trollish bullshit.


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