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Monday, 17 July 2017

The man behind Trump Junior's meetup with the Russians is now in fear for his life.

Courtesy of Fox News:  

Goldstone, a PR man for recording artists who set up the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton, reportedly fears for his own safety. The 57-year-old British flack is globetrotting with his much-younger companion, and posting photos from around the world on social media to “hide in plain sight,” according to reports. 

Photos posted online since the trip began last month in London haveshown them in Venice, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece. Goldstone is currently believed to be aboard a ship in the Mediterranean, with his lover and business partner David Wilson.

He fears that if he turns up dead, it will be no accident, The Express reported, citing a longtime colleague. Goldstone’s strategy, according to Geoff Baker, also a British publicist, is to avoid New York and Russia and let everyone know where he is all the time. 

“I believe the reason he's being so blatantly transparent about his whereabouts is that, if anything does happen to him - like a car crash or being stabbed by a poison-tipped umbrella - everyone will know his death was no accident,' Baker told the newspaper.

I think this is smart, especially since everybody knows how Putin deals with inconvenient witnesses.

Especially considering the fact that Peter W. Smith, the GOP operative who reached out to the Russians for those Hillary emails, died in rather suspicious circumstances

I think this Goldstone guy ought to seek witness protection and then start singing like a canary to the Feds.


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