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Thursday, 27 July 2017

In response to Lisa Murkowski's no vote on Trumpcare, the Administration threatens Alaska.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch: 

Early Wednesday, Trump took to Twitter to express displeasure with Murkowski's vote. By that afternoon, each of Alaska's two Republican senators had received a phone call from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke letting them know the vote had put Alaska's future with the administration in jeopardy. 

The response follows Trump's no-holds-barred style of governing, even when it comes to his own party. It is his first strike of retaliation against Murkowski, however, despite her tendency to stray from the party line and the president's priorities. 

Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan said the call from Zinke heralded a "troubling message." 

"I'm not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop," Sullivan said. 

"I tried to push back on behalf of all Alaskans. … We're facing some difficult times and there's a lot of enthusiasm for the policies that Secretary Zinke and the president have been talking about with regard to our economy. But the message was pretty clear," Sullivan said. The Interior secretary also contacted Murkowski, he said.

Oh you fucking stepped in it now.

If Donald Trump thinks that he can make Alaskans turn on one of their own by threatening our economy he has another think coming. 

We may not all agree with each other politically, but if an out of stater attacks one of our own, they are going to witness a circling of the wagons like they have never seen before.

We live in one of the harshest climates on the planet, and are constantly surrounded by predators that will kill us just as soon as look at us, so if that corpulent orange POS thinks that Alaskans cave to threats than he knows nothing about us as a people.

And by the way if Lisa Murkowski's no vote on Trumpcare keeps his administration from inflicting their economic plans on us, I might even erect a statue to her in my backyard.

The very LAST thing I want is for the guy who has almost as even more bankruptcies than ex-wives, to "help" Alaska economically.

Yes, yes I know, Lisa Murkowski is a political animal who probably made her decions based on careful political calculations, but at least she is actually one of us.

Dan Sullivan on the other hand is a carpetbagger bought and paid for by the Koch brothers who does not give a shit about Alaskans, and is only interested in furthering his own career and lining his own pockets.

So of COURSE he is going to vote along with Donald Trump and support Donald Trump policies.

Look if we get a good Democrat to run against her I will likely vote against her in the next election cycle, but if I have to choose sides between my Senator and that shitgibbon in the White House, I will stand with Lisa Murkowski every time. 


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