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Sunday, 9 July 2017

Donald Trump tweets about meeting with Putin and it is just as bad as you might imagine.

Yes he did, and that opinion was that the Russians "probably" hacked computers during the 2016 election, but that it might have been "other people in other countries" as well.
Wait, so that's it. He "strongly pressed," Putin denied it, and now it is time to just drop it?

Actually no, it gets worse than that.

Holy shit!

So not only is Trump dismissing the reports from American intelligence agencies about Russian hacking as "fake news," but he is literally inviting the Russians inside our cyber security systems to help them do a better job of hacking the elections the next time around.

(By the way since the DNI signed off on that intelligence report identifying Russia as the hackers, it was technically correct that all 17 agencies agreed on that since the DNI is an umbrella group which represents them, however it is true that only the FBI, CIA, NSA, the Justice Department, and the DNI were directly involved in the investigation.  Really not sure how pointing that out helps explain why Trump is not holding the Russians accountable.)

But wait, there's more.
Sure, why would Trump talk about sanctions when clearly does not believe there is any reason for them?

Okay well if you still entertained any doubts that Trump was a puppet of Vladimir Putin's I think you can put those doubts to rest. 


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