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Monday, 3 July 2017

Donald Trump is planning a secret trip to visit the UK so long as nobody finds out. Oops somebody found out. Oops it's cancelled again.

So is there like a back way in that I can use? A servant's entrance or perhaps doggie door?
So yesterday this article showed up in The Sunday Times:  

Ministers are on the alert for a flying visit to Britain by Donald Trump this month. 

Senior government officials say they expect the American president to make an unscheduled stop at his Aberdeenshire golf course as part of his trip to Europe to attend France’s Bastille Day celebrations on July 14. 

Theresa May’s team are on standby for Trump to visit Downing Street as well. It is understood that any visit would be confirmed only 24 hours in advance so anti-Trump protesters did not have time to disrupt his visit.

What a damn coward. Sneaking into the country like a thief in the night.

However apparently people in Britain can read, and earlier today this was printed in The Guardian: 

Anti-Donald Trump protesters are preparing to spring into action at short notice after it emerged that Downing Street is braced for a snap visit from the US president in the next two weeks.

Some of the protests being planned are quite....inventive.

All of this was then followed by this article from Reuters:

President Donald Trump has no plans to visit Britain in the near future, a senior U.S. government official said on Monday, but he added that the U.S. leader could always suddenly change his mind.

So in other words Trump does not want to visit the UK if any protesters find out about it, but might sneak in once they are convinced that he is no longer coming.

And this my friends is the man who is leading the most powerful nation on the planet.

Jesus what a pansy ass!

Hey remember that last President we had, who would plan these trips long in advance, and then show up despite any protesters who might be present?

Good times. 


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