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Saturday, 3 June 2017

Sarah Palin sees everybody piling on Kathy Griffin, flings her mummified carcass on as well.

Courtesy of the bandwagon jumper's Facebook page:  

Kathy Griffin has mercilessly attacked children for years. 

When this "celebrity" (who "celebrates" her, btw?) traveled all the way to Wasilla and actually knocked on my home's door to personally humiliate my kids again, I knew she was deranged.

(Ah yes, using the children as a shield, how Sarah Palin of her.)

The liberal "star" had attacked my teenage daughters for so long - first Bristol then, inexplicably, giddily announced she would "go directly after Willow Palin" despite Willow's young age and innocence in doing anything to earn the wrath of this attacker. 

And today Kathy claims SHE is the victim! 

Kathy's crocodile tears at her publicity-seeking press conference today mean nothing to mothers who've witnessed the ramifications her sick acts have had on precious children. 

So, on behalf of Melania Trump and other mothers who've tried to protect our children from Kathy's soulless vile attacks, I'll bite my tongue in print and not say what I'd actually tell her to her face... I'll keep it civil and merely tell her after her ridiculous self-serving statements today: 

Suck it. Up. Cupcake. 

- Sarah Palin 

I think the literal translation of this is "Oh look at me, look at me, please dear God, look at me!"

I have already expressed my feelings about the Kathy Griffin kerfuffle yesterday, so there is no reason to go into that any further.

After all we already know that the careless use of violent imagery can lead to catastrophe.

Of course as we pointed out earlier conservatives are engaged in a rather pathetic game of hypocrisy hide and go seek here.

After all this is what Ted Nugent said about a sitting President and his Secretary of State.

Of course Nugent bristles at being compared to Griffin now:

"I did not threaten anybody's life," he insisted to the Fox News crew, backing up what he'd said on conservative radio host Ben Ferguson's show on Wednesday, when he noted, "To compare what I said ... we're talking apples and grenades here," per the Hill. The "dead or in jail" quote was simply an expression of his fear of Big Government, he told Fox, while the machine gun statement was an "outrageous metaphor" on gun control. "I did nothing to harm anyone," he said. "[Griffin] came out with symbolism that was truly vile." 

You know I don't think that somebody truly understands what the word "metaphor" means. 

For her part Palin also made yet another attempt to criticize former President Obama as well.

Did not turn out as she might have hoped.

What is that phase about glass houses again?


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