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Friday, 16 June 2017

Sarah Palin makes noise about suing the New York Times. She won't.

Aww, poor baby.

Okay well first off this is never happening.

Palin has threatened to sue all kind of people over the years, yours truly included, and never follows up on those threats.

Secondly the Times corrected their story, which essentially shields them from any such lawsuit:

"An earlier version of this editorial incorrectly stated that a link existed between political incitement and the 2011 shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords," the Times wrote on Thursday. "In fact, no such link was established."

And thirdly the only reason that Palin is making this noise is because a couple of news outlets attacked the Times over their story. 

Smelling blood in the water, and an opportunity to get a little attention, Palin fired off those tweets.

I would bet money that she has not talked to a single lawyer about this, and that any legal conversations she HAS had more than likely have to do with keeping her first born out of jail.

As for the Times story itself, yes it is true that no link between the SarahPAC map and Loughner was ever proven, but it was still an outrageous thing to do and there is also no definitive proof that Loughner DIDN'T see the image. 

But we are agreed that he was a deeply troubled young man, but then again Palin herself is clearly also deeply troubled, or she would not tweet out these cries for help.


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