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Friday, 23 June 2017

Kellyanne Conway gives a master class in obfuscation when asked what Donald Trump is doing to protect the integrity our election system from Russian interference.

Courtesy of Think Progress:

On Friday, CNN’s Alisyn Camerota asked Conway about the Post report. 

“What about this new reporting that there are three dozen high-level officials that say they can connect President Putin with giving instructions to hack the DNC computers and to plant fake stories — what is the current White House doing about this?” Camerota asked. 

Conway responded by asserting that Russian hackers weren’t the only people “interfering in our democracy” last year. 

“Well Alisyn, the president has said previously, and he stands by that — particularly as president-elect — that he would be concerned about anybody interfering in our democracy,” Conway said. “We saw a lot of people interfering with our democracy by saying he couldn’t win here at home.”

Yes, because suggesting that Donald Trump could not win the election, is exactly the same as hacking the election in order to ensure his victory.

Conway also attempted to lay the blame on the DNC in a rather transparent attempt to pivot away from answering the question.

However Camerota persisted: 

“What is the White House, what is President Trump now doing to prevent Russia from doing this again?” she asked.

“This report is new and we’ll discuss it with him later, but he has been very clear on the record that he believes in any type of numbers and measures to make sure that democracy flourishes and that our voter integrity is intact, and in fact he has an entire commission on that,” she said, before Camerota interjected: “Against Russia — what is he doing specifically to try to stop this?” 

Conway replied by smearing CNN and accusing Camerota of having a bad case of Russia hysteria. 

“Alisyn, I realize that we just like to say the word ‘Russia Russia’ to mislead the voters and I know that CNN is aiding and abetting this nonsense as well, but you’ve asked me the same question three times now and I’ve answered it,” she said, still unable to point to anything Trump is doing to prevent future Russian interference.

"This nonsense" by the way is referring to reports from our intelligence agencies and media outlets that Vladimir Putin personally directed the assault on our democracy, and worked to shift the election away from the candidate that he feared to hand victory to the candidate that he knew he could outmaneuver.

As for this report being new, that is only the latest Washington Post report which exposes the fact that Putin personally directed this attack, but we have had many months of reporting on what the Russians did and how they did it, and yet Trump has developed no plan for punishing the Russians for their actions or for preventing them from happening again.

And please keep in mind that the White House is currently working to undermine the new sanctions passed in the Senate to punish Russia for their interference.

That more or less proves, despite Conway's assertions, that Trump has no plan in the works, and no intention to create a plan, to deal with this issue.

And why would he?

After all he was the prime beneficiary of their interference. To him it was a net positive.


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