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Thursday, 22 June 2017

"I don't want you to get shooted." Heartbreaking video of Philando Castile's girlfriend and her daughter minutes after he was fatally shot by police.

Courtesy of Law Newz: 

In the aftermath of Officer Jeronimo Yanez‘s acquittal after fatally shooting Philando Castile, new material related to the case continues to be released. 

Just this morning, Tony Webster, an independent journalist and researcher from Minnesota, provided video obtained via a FOIA request of Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, in the back of a squad car with her four-year-old daughter in the immediate moments after Castile was gunned down. 

The video is harrowing, hard to watch, and contains strong language. Reynolds can be heard screaming, at whichh point her four-year-old daughter Dae’Anne then rises to the occasion to console her grieving mother, saying, “Please don’t scream because I don’t want you to get shooted … I can keep you safe … I wish this town was safer.”

That is hard to watch I don't care who you are.

Children should never be terrified of the police, but clearly in this case this little girl has every reason to fear them, and to fear for the safety of her mother.

She just watched the man who she probably thought of as her father shot to death right in front of her eyes.

Why? Because he was exercising his 2nd Amendment rights while black. 

And perhaps the worst part is that the man who murdered him, walked away scott free.

As Trevor Noah pointed out the other night, if this were a white man the NRA would be so far up that police department's ass they could watch their breakfast digest.

But not for a black man, for a black man legally carrying a firearm is a potential death sentence.  


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