Courtesy of The Hill:
President Trump’s private lawyer on Thursday disputed key details of former FBI Director James Comey’s bombshell under-oath testimony and attacked him for "unilaterally and surreptitiously" leaking memos recounting his conversations with the president.
Marc Kasowitz, the president’s outside attorney, said that Trump “never told” Comey that he needed his loyalty “in form or substance.”
He added that Trump "never, in form or substance, directed or suggested" that Comey should stop investigating anyone, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
I'm sorry did this guy not watch the same testimony that I watched?
Because in the testimony I watched Comey said that he understood Donald Trump was telling him unequivocally that he wanted him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
The lawyer also accused Comey of “unilaterally and surreptitiously” leaking memos recounting his "privileged conversations" with Trump.
“He also testified that immediately after he was terminated, he authorized his friends to leak the contents of these memos to the press in order to ‘prompt the appointment of a special counsel,’” Kasowitz said.
He said there were and remain "those in government" who are committed to undermining Trump "with selective and illegal leaks of classified information" and communications.
For the record Comey only "leaked" his own unclassified notes of his own interactions with Trump.
And thanks to The Donald he is no longer employed by the Federal government so he cannot be among "those in the government" who are leaking to the press.
By the way in the tweet this lawyer sent out before his public statement he misspelled his boss's title.
In other news Trump's Spicey replacement spokesperson, claims that Trump is not a liar:
White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said “the president is not a liar” after former FBI director James Comey blasted the White House for telling “lies, plain and simple” about the circumstances surrounding his firing last month.
“No, I can definitively say the president is not a liar,” Sanders told reporters at the White House during an off-camera briefing Thursday. “It’s frankly insulting that that question would be asked.”
Well frankly it's insulting to be lied to by the president, or the president's surrogates, virtually every day.
And damn why does that sound so familiar?
Oh yeah! Well it certainly worked out for ole Tricky Dick, so I imagine that Trump can look forward to a similar outcome.
President Trump’s private lawyer on Thursday disputed key details of former FBI Director James Comey’s bombshell under-oath testimony and attacked him for "unilaterally and surreptitiously" leaking memos recounting his conversations with the president.
Marc Kasowitz, the president’s outside attorney, said that Trump “never told” Comey that he needed his loyalty “in form or substance.”
He added that Trump "never, in form or substance, directed or suggested" that Comey should stop investigating anyone, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
I'm sorry did this guy not watch the same testimony that I watched?
Because in the testimony I watched Comey said that he understood Donald Trump was telling him unequivocally that he wanted him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
The lawyer also accused Comey of “unilaterally and surreptitiously” leaking memos recounting his "privileged conversations" with Trump.
“He also testified that immediately after he was terminated, he authorized his friends to leak the contents of these memos to the press in order to ‘prompt the appointment of a special counsel,’” Kasowitz said.
He said there were and remain "those in government" who are committed to undermining Trump "with selective and illegal leaks of classified information" and communications.
For the record Comey only "leaked" his own unclassified notes of his own interactions with Trump.
And thanks to The Donald he is no longer employed by the Federal government so he cannot be among "those in the government" who are leaking to the press.
By the way in the tweet this lawyer sent out before his public statement he misspelled his boss's title.
If only Trump could have convinced one of those high end lawyers with good spelling to represent him.Thank god the PREDISENT got that first class lawyer to defend him #Unpredisented— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) June 8, 2017
In other news Trump's Spicey replacement spokesperson, claims that Trump is not a liar:
White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said “the president is not a liar” after former FBI director James Comey blasted the White House for telling “lies, plain and simple” about the circumstances surrounding his firing last month.
“No, I can definitively say the president is not a liar,” Sanders told reporters at the White House during an off-camera briefing Thursday. “It’s frankly insulting that that question would be asked.”
Well frankly it's insulting to be lied to by the president, or the president's surrogates, virtually every day.
And damn why does that sound so familiar?
Oh yeah! Well it certainly worked out for ole Tricky Dick, so I imagine that Trump can look forward to a similar outcome.