Courtesy of HuffPo:
Sally Yates’ warning couldn’t be fully trusted, press secretary Sean Spicer said, because she was “a political opponent” of Trump and a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
“Just because someone comes in and gives you a heads-up about something and says, ‘I want to share some information,’ doesn’t mean that you immediately jump the gun and go take an action,” Spicer said. “I think if you flip this scenario and say, ‘What if we had just dismissed somebody because a political opponent of the president had made an utterance?’ you would argue that it was pretty irrational to act in that matter.”
Asked how he knew Yates was a Clinton supporter, Spicer said: “She was widely rumored to play a large role in the Justice Department if Hillary Clinton had won.”
Spicer also repeatedly referred to Yates’ warning as “a heads up” about Flynn – a less urgent description than the one Yates outlined in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday.
It should be noted that Sally Yates offered evidence to support her allegation that Michael Flynn was compromised, but Trump fired her before he even saw that evidence.
Dismissing a thirty year professional like Sally Yates, as simply a "Hillary supporter" is not only insulting but I think it smacks of misogyny.
The facts are that Sally Yates did her job, and if the Trump White House had listened to her on the Michael Flynn matter, as well as the Muslim ban, they would have saved themselves a whole truckload of problems.
But why would they listen to her?
After all she was only a woman.
Sally Yates’ warning couldn’t be fully trusted, press secretary Sean Spicer said, because she was “a political opponent” of Trump and a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
“Just because someone comes in and gives you a heads-up about something and says, ‘I want to share some information,’ doesn’t mean that you immediately jump the gun and go take an action,” Spicer said. “I think if you flip this scenario and say, ‘What if we had just dismissed somebody because a political opponent of the president had made an utterance?’ you would argue that it was pretty irrational to act in that matter.”
Asked how he knew Yates was a Clinton supporter, Spicer said: “She was widely rumored to play a large role in the Justice Department if Hillary Clinton had won.”
Spicer also repeatedly referred to Yates’ warning as “a heads up” about Flynn – a less urgent description than the one Yates outlined in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday.
It should be noted that Sally Yates offered evidence to support her allegation that Michael Flynn was compromised, but Trump fired her before he even saw that evidence.
Dismissing a thirty year professional like Sally Yates, as simply a "Hillary supporter" is not only insulting but I think it smacks of misogyny.
The facts are that Sally Yates did her job, and if the Trump White House had listened to her on the Michael Flynn matter, as well as the Muslim ban, they would have saved themselves a whole truckload of problems.
But why would they listen to her?
After all she was only a woman.