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Sunday, 14 May 2017

Several White House officials suggest that spokesperson Sean Spicer might soon be replaced with Fox News host.

Oh God, I hate my life.
Courtesy of The Hill: 

President Trump has reportedly considered replacing White House press secretary Sean Spicer, and has raised a Fox News host as a possible spokesperson. 

Six West Wing officials told The New York Times that the president is considering the most far-reaching shake-up of his first term after being dissatisfied with several top aides, especially Spicer. 

Trump has discussed Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle as a possible press secretary, according to the Times, which noted that the president has also spent several hours with Spicer this week praising his TV "ratings" during briefings.

Yes that is what Trump does. He talks you up to your face while searching for the perfect place to insert the knife in your back.

Think James Comey.

(This by the way is not unprecedented as George W. Bush also hired Fox host Tony Snow as HIS White House spokesperson briefly in 2006.)

It also kind of makes sense as Trump tends to blame everybody but himself when things go wrong, and Spicer has been struggling to keep up with the avalanche of lies coming out of the White House and failing to do so.

It perhaps is also not helping that SNL frequently pokes fun at Spicer every chance they get.

Oh yeah, that's going to leave a mark.

Speaking of Fox News it appears that Congressman, and recent recipient of Obamacare, Jason Chaffetz might be headed to that network as well:

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has made no public announcement about what he plans to do after finishing out his final term in Congress, but he has been telling Capitol Hill colleagues he may soon head to Fox News, the Washingtonian reported Saturday. 

Two Republican lawmakers who have spoken to Chaffetz, as well as four House Republican aides, told the newspaper that he said he plans to take on a “substantial” on-air position for the conservative news channel. 

This move may come as early as July, according to the report—over a year and a half before his term in Congress would end.

Why doesn't Fox News simply end the charade and publicly identify themselves as a clearing house for former and future Republican politicians and White House staff members?

I mean it's not like we actually think they are a legitimate cable news station.


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