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Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Remember those blasphemy charges against Stephen Fry in Ireland? Yeah, that didn't take.

Courtesy of The Independent:  

An Irish police investigation into allegedly blasphemous comments made by Stephen Fry has been dropped after detectives decided there were not enough people who had been outraged by the remarks. 

Police launched an investigation into the presenter, author and comedian after he described God as "capricious", "mean-minded", "stupid" and an "utter maniac" during an appearance on Irish television show "The Meaning of Life" in February 2015. 

The comments were widely reported but did not become a legal matter until a man complained last year, prompting a police enquiry. 

After initial inquiries, officers decided that not enough people had been outraged by Mr Fry's remarks to warrant further investigation, according to the Irish Independent. 

A source told the paper: "This man was simply a witness and not an injured party. Gardaí (Irish police) were unable to find a substantial number of outraged people. 

"For this reason the investigation has been concluded."

So IF they police had found enough people who were sufficiently outraged by the comments, they could have charge Fry?

Well guess where I'm not going on vacation. 

Apparently Ireland still retains archaic anti-blasphemy laws. You know, like that bastion of progressiveness Pakistan

In my opinion there is no such thing as blasphemy.

You simply cannot insult an imaginary creature.

That would be like if I was arrested for teasing that a unicorn was nothing but a gay horse.

I mean, come on.

I think it is high time that Ireland join the rest of the Western world in the 21st century, and stop catering to the feelings of religious snowflakes. 


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