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Friday, 26 May 2017

Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is now under FBI scrutiny.

Not the face of a man who would survive prison.
Courtesy of NBC News: 

Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and one of his senior advisers, has come under FBI scrutiny in the Russia investigation, multiple U.S. officials told NBC News. 

Investigators believe Kushner has significant information relevant to their inquiry, officials said. That does not mean they suspect him of a crime or intend to charge him.

The FBI's scrutiny of Kushner places the bureau's sprawling counterintelligence and criminal investigation not only on the doorstep of the White House, but the Trump family circle. The Washington Post first reported last week that a senior White House official close to Trump was a "person of interest," but did not name the person. The term "person of interest" has no legal meaning. 

The officials said Kushner is in a different category from former Trump aides Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who are formally considered subjects of the investigation. According to the Justice Department's U.S. Attorneys' Manual, "A 'subject' of an investigation is a person whose conduct is within the scope of the grand jury's investigation."

This is actually not a huge surprise to most of us as this was revealed by other news outlets awhile ago.

However NBC News is the first major news outlet to confirm it.

So even though the FBI is careful not to suggest that Kushner is a target, the very fact that somebody who is part of Trump's inner, inner circle is now part of the investigation certainly means that this can no longer be labeled simply a "witch hunt."


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