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Thursday, 25 May 2017

Al Franken has en entire chapter in his new book dedicated to Ted Cruz, and it is certainly not to praise him.

Courtesy of Salon: 

Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., has made it quite clear that he is not a fan of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In fact, in Sen. Franken’s upcoming book, the former comedian devoted an entire chapter to his distaste for the Texas senator, according USA Today. 

In Franken’s upcoming book, titled “Al Franken: Giant of the Senate,” and set to be released May 30, Franken details his experience becoming a comedian-turned-senator, as well as how he feels about his colleagues in Washington. The chapter about Cruz is called “Sophistry,” an SAT word that means to use fallacious arguments, typically with the intention to deceive. In an interview with USA Today, Franken describes Cruz as “singularly dishonest” and “exceptionally smarmy.”

“You have to understand that I like Ted Cruz probably more than my colleagues like Ted Cruz,” Franken said. “And I hate Ted Cruz.”

God that's a great line!

Now as you may know it is a breach of decorum to insult a fellow senator, however Franken feels justified in making an exception when it comes to Cruz.

Courtesy of EW:

But despite calling out Cruz, Franken said his book did not include as much gossip as one might assume. 

“I have to say, he’s an exception to my rule, which is you basically have a rule that if you have a conversation with somebody and it makes them look bad — it’s a private conversation — you don’t repeat it,” Franken said. “But I made an exception with him because he broke that rule, he broke the protocol of the Senate. It wasn’t quite that rule, but he got up to speak and called Mitch McConnell a liar. And that was completely against protocol. So I make him an exception. So I don’t say bad stuff about my other colleagues.” 

Seems fair.

Well I know which book just made it to the top of my must read list.

By the way for those of you hoping that Franken will run for President in 2020, he has a simple response:  

“Yeah, I’m not going to do that.”

Oh well, perhaps he would be up for a VP slot? 


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