Yeah could be those sneaky old rebels just a gassing themselves. You betcha! |
WHO TO TRUST? Intel better be spot-on re: blame for atrocious Syrian chemical attack. Study what makes sense: Assad kills civilians already gaining upper hand? Or sketchy "rebel" strategy desperate for ground gain hopes we react in their favor via propagandizing a sick, dangerous situation? Ask questions.
And THIS is why we must be able to trust govt intel! Regime change intervention in era of fake news & out of control propagandists? VERIFY
- Sarah Palin
Wait, what?
For the record Donald Trump has clearly accepted the fact that Assad used this gas on his own people, and said this during that New York Times interview:
“I think it’s an affront to humanity,” he said, adding it was “inconceivable that somebody could do that, those kids were so beautiful, to look at those, the scenes of those beautiful children being carried out.”
Asked about what it meant for Russia’s role in terms of Syria, Mr. Trump said, “I think it’s a very sad day for Russia because they’re aligned, and in this case, all information points to Syria that they did this. Why they did this, who knows? That’s a level first of all they weren’t supposed to have this.”
So if the US blames Assad, which they clearly have, and Trump accepts that as fact, just whose side is Sarah Palin on with this?
Well that would be Russia's side:
Russia blamed Syrian rebels Wednesday for the chemical weapons attack that killed 72 people — including 20 children — as activists and rescue workers found more terrified survivors, and the targeted town came under renewed airstrikes.
Russia suggested it would publicly stand by Syria despite the outrage over the attack, which President Trump and Western countries blamed on the government of President Bashar al-Assad, Reuters reported.
As will Sarah Palin apparently.
You know I have little doubt that there are few depths that Sarah Palin will not lower herself to, but even I would never have labeled her a Russian troll.
Until today that is.